Tastelweb® - 1st half of 2024: new features!

1st HALF 2024 :
To meet your new needs, 9 new features have become reality !


No. 1: Possible mass data archiving

- Objective : keep tests local

- Selection of archives, by period, by type of tests

N°1 : A possible mass data archiving


No. 2 : Chaining test & single QR code

- A single QR code or email (per panelist) will be enough to access several tests, presented in succession / in "assembly-line".

- For an anonymous panel, access to the questionnaire via a unique QR code, for all panelists.

No. 2 : Chaining test & single QR code

Pivot© profile
No. 3 : Bring additional information into the results.

1/ CFA : visualization of the significance of descriptors

2/ Improve the results in the case of different phases :

  • be able to filter first of all, when extracting the data (either on all the phases, or phase by phase ), in order to be able to constitute  dictionaries of synonymes, if applicable.   
  • put the name of the phase in the title in the results.
N°3: Visualization of the significance of descriptors
N°3: Improve results in the case of different phases
N°3: Improve results in the case of different phases


No. 4: Categorization / family of tests

It will be possible to create test categories that group similar tests together.

N°4: Categorization / family of tests

Classic / QDA Profile

No. 5: Better distinguish intensity ratings at zero

A green color materializes a choice of intensity at zero on an intensity scale.

No. 5: Better distinguish zero intensity notes.


No. 6: Blocking status

- Option for completeness of answers

No. 6: Blocking status


No. 7: A monitoring table for each of the panelists

- History of participation in each test

- Traceability and monitoring

No. 7: A monitoring table for each of the panelists

Consumer tests
No. 8: many optimizations

- Possible insertion of pictures

- Possible insertion of emoticons

- Extended description of the question

- Minimum, maximum number for multiple choice / cross tables

N°8 : Consumer tests
- Possible insertion of pictures
- Possible insertion of emoticons
- Extended description of the question
N°8 : Consumer tests
- Possible insertion of pictures
- Possible insertion of emoticons
- Extended description of the question
N°8 : Consumer tests
- Minimum, maximum number for multiple choice / cross tables
N°8 : Consumer tests
- Minimum, maximum number for multiple choice / cross tables


No. 9: Common database : perimeters with access rights

This concerns companies which opt for a database common to several panel leaders / facilitators.

It will be possible to give differentiated access rights to preserve confidentiality of a service, a subsidiary, an R&D project, etc.

  • owner  (modification, deletion of the project, team definition, etc.) 
  • editor (creator of a test, a results report)
  • reader (simple reader of results reports)
No. 9: Common database : perimeters with access rights
No. 9: Common database : perimeters with access rights

SUMMER 2024 :
4 other features in progress, delivered at the start of the school year in September 2024 !


No. 1: Textual analysis : improving the script for processing organoleptic comments + addition of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) module  for summaries of more general comments.   

As a reminder :

Tastelweb® allows you to process completely free expression !

From comments or for example, defects or qualities requested in free text from the panelists, the frequencies of the most important expressions can be brought out and calculated by product, almost automatically.

These results make it possible to describe and compare the products with each other in a completely open manner, without these terms having been previously suggested to the panelists.  

No. 1: Textual analysis: improving the script for handling organoleptic comments + adding an Artificial Intelligence (AI) module for more general comment summaries.
No. 1: Textual analysis: improving the script for handling organoleptic comments + adding an Artificial Intelligence (AI) module for more general comment summaries.


#2: More flexibility to modify tests and view results

- Addition during the session : panelists, additional test period

#2: More flexibility to modify tests and view results
- Addition during the session : panelists
#2: More flexibility to modify tests and view results
- Addition during the session : additional test period


No. 3: New product presentation plans :

- Latin square : Williams design

No. 3: New product presentation plans :
- Latin square : Williams design

Export results reports

No. 4 : Reports in Excel format - Pivot© Profile & Consumer Tests!

The summary results are already exportable in PDF and Word format.

Now, with Excel format, you can :

  • change values in tables and graphs
  • modify the texts, colors of the graphics
  • change language for texts, descriptors of your graphics
  • copy and paste your tables, graphs in Powerpoint
  • see your changes in Excel reflected in Powerpoint !
No. 4 : Reports in Excel format - Pivot© Profile & Consumer Tests!
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